Do you spit out blood with your toothpaste when you brush your teeth?  Are your gums swollen and red no matter how much you brush?  You may have gingivitis.


Many adults, especially seniors with multiple health issues, benefit from fluoride treatments.  Older adults may notice the roots of their teeth can become exposed with time.  This root structure is softer and more at risk for decay than the hard enamel covering of the crown of the tooth. Furthermore, many prescription medications lead to dry mouth (xerostomia) which increases the risk of root decay.


The every-day bacteria in our mouth generate acid from the foods we eat.  This acid attacks the tooth structure by removing the minerals from the hard tissue.  A soft or cavitated lesion results.

Fluoride in the saliva remineralizes the tooth structure that has been attacked.  If the fluoride is used before a cavity develops, it can prevent the destruction seen with root caries.

The tooth structure actually becomes harder and more resistant to the acid of plaque (the biofilm on the teeth that contains millions of bacteria).

Your dental professional can prescribe high-fluoride toothpastes or gels to place on the teeth before bedtime.  A fluoride varnish can be used when your teeth are cleaned to deliver extra fluoride to all the tooth surfaces.  Mouthwashes with fluoride in them also are effective.  Lastly, your dentist may make “trays” to fit your teeth and keep the fluoride in contact with the teeth for a lengthy amount of time.

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