
0120 Periodic exam 64.00
0210 Full-mouth series x-rays 161.00
0274 4 Bite-wing x-rays 77.00
1110 Adult prophylaxis 113.00
2330 Anterior one-surface resin composite 192.00
2391 Posterior one-surface resin composite 207.00
2750 Porcelain fused to high noble metal crown 1263.00
2740 Porcelain ceramic crown 1288.00
2950 Core build-up for crown 313.00
3330 Molar root-canal therapy 1252.00
4341 Perio scaling/ root planing per quadrant 320.00
4910 Periodontal maintenance 167.00
6010 Surgical placement of implant 2039.00
7140 Simple extraction exposed tooth 205.00
7210 Surgical Extraction 317.00